Welcome to GMC

We are an inclusive community committed to wrestling with our faith, practicing justice, participatory worship, community care, and love for our children and youth.

An overhead view of the sanctuary of Germantown Mennonite Church full of people

Worship with us!

Sunday worship begins at 11am

Join us in-person at our meetingplace at 21 West Washington Lane in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia.

Or worship with us online

Read about our building accessibility HERE.

A group of adults and children sitting in a circle and singing in church
A group of people praying around a table with a candle
An elderly African American woman lighting candles with flowers in the foreground

Worship is participatory. Mennonites have long subscribed to the idea of a “priesthood of all believers.” This means that people of all ages are empowered to contribute to worship. Mennonites also have a long tradition of congregational singing which we joyfully keep alive. Dress up, dress down! Come to experience reflection, laughter, music and deep sharing. We also celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month. Our worship service generally runs 60-90 minutes.

At GMC, we meet you where you are, no matter who you are, or where you come from.

You are welcome here.

What to expect at GMC